So, here are steps:
Step 1: configure your SIP-connections
"Menu -> Tools -> Settings -> Connection -> SIP Settings": here you define your SIP profile(s), which later will be used for the phone calls. In my case - I also use "Internetcalls" and "CheapVOPI" - I had to create 2 of them. Important note: don't forget "Domain" field, it seems to be very important. In the case of "internetcalls"/"CheapVOIP" it's "" or "". The rest of the seeting you should get from your provider. Anothe point: field "public user name" doesn't have to be a real phone number (so-called "outbound number), which usually costs money). It also can be a string in format
Step 2: configure your telephone profiles
"Menu -> Tools -> Settings -> Connection -> Internet tel.": here you just define profiles (set of settings like ussed codecs), which use your SIP profiles for calls. Actually, here I changed nothing except for name.
Step 3: make calls
"Menu -> Tools -> Connectivity -> Internet tel.": this is an application to make internet calls. When you start it, it connects (registers) all available profiles, and you can do internet calls using menu item "Internet call" on the contacts. Here I have to admit, that I have no idea why it connects all profiles (if you several of them), and which one is used "by default". Since I know exactly, which one I need, I simply start application again, and when it asks about disconnecting profiles, I confirm it for the undesired one (and keep right one connected).
That's all. If you have questions, just ask.
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